Access to Registration Program

Review the general information page regarding the interactive registrations. http://oidb.metu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/interactive-registration-and-advisor-approvals

What's new in the application to graduate programs for spring term

Turkish or foreign nationals with an e-government password will log in via the “E-Devlet ile Giriş” button.

Foreign students (without e-government password) will create a new user and log into the system. These applicants must submit all required information manually.

If you log in with e-government password, your academic information, your address and ALES score will be taken from YOKSIS, MERNIS and OSYM, respectively.

Interactive Registrations

It is the students' responsibility to know the academic rules and regulations. Detailed information about the rules and regulations of our university can be found at http://oidb.metu.edu.tr/en/academic-rules-and-regulations.

It is strongly recommended to see those rules and regulations before interactive registration.

Captcha update for interactive registrations. For details http://faq.cc.metu.edu.tr/tr/sss/etkilesimli-kayitlarda-neden-captcha-uygulamasi-kullanilmaktadir

The registration program controls for the payment of the students. Therefore it is strongly recommended that students visit Student_Information(61) address and read the pages (Tuition Fee Payments and Tuition Fee Amounts) under 'Payments' before opening the registration program.

Students who keep overdue books and who have debt to library will not be able to register. Those have to pay their debts and give the books back to the library to be able to register.

Access to Registration Program
Students who did their registrations during the Interactive Registration Period and do not want to make any changes do not need to use the registration program again.

Access to Registration Program Help
You can visit http://oibs2.metu.edu.tr/help address to access registration program help. For more information on interactive registrations and add-drops, please visit http://oidb.metu.edu.tr/en/general-information-about-registration.

Frequent Problems During Interactive Registrations
Students are advised to check https://faq.cc.metu.edu.tr/tr/sss/kayit-programinda-siklikla-karsilasilan-hatalar for frequent issues during interactive registrations. For full list of errors and notifications please visit https://faq.cc.metu.edu.tr/tr/sss/oibs-kayit-sistemi-karsilasilan-hatalar

Student Standing Program is updated according to the rules specified at https://oidb.metu.edu.tr/en/academic-rules-and-regulations website. Students standings are updated every 15 minutes at Interactive Registration and Add-Drop Period. If you think that your student status information or grade is inaccurate, you can contact your program advisor at the Student Affairs (https://oidb.metu.edu.tr/en/personnel-contact-information) after reviewing the relevant regulations.

Guest Entrance
Entrance of students' guests (first degree relatives, mother-father-brother-sister-wife/husband) to METU campus with vehicle are only allowed through A-7 gate with 'Visitor Card' on condition that in return of their id card and in company with the student. Parents enter or exit the campus frequently or everyday should buy 'Visitor 2 Vehicle Stamp' in order to pass all gates.

ID Cards
'Giving ID cards to other people for campus entrance or using other people's ID cards' are taking the first place among disciplinary investigations conducted in our university. Every year, considerable amount of students are investigated for this reason and they are punished. Disciplinary punishments are affecting the process of entering a job, having an academic career etc. negatively after graduation. Our students generally display such behaviors for friendly purposes (to show around the campus to their friends who come outside METU), but they cannot predict the consequences of these behaviors and take seriously this situation. It is seen that they recognize these behaviors as a disciplinary action only after the investigation is opened; they regret and feel sorry. Dear students, please read the disciplinary regulations provided at the link below, definitely. https://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/Metin.Aspx?MevzuatKod=7.5.16532&MevzuatIliski=0&sourceXmlSearch=Y%C3%BCksek%C3%B6%C4%9Fretim%20Kurumlar%C4%B1%20%C3%96%C4%9Frenci%20Disiplin%20Y%C3%B6netmeli%C4%9Fi Do not give your ID cards to other people for purposes like campus entrance. Obtain 'visitor card' from campus gates for your guests.

ID Photo
The photo you have in the Smart Card and the photo in IT systems should be the same due to the administrative decision taken by our university. For this reason, it is not possible to change your photo through IT systems. Users who do not have a photo stored in the system or who want to change their photo can apply for a new smart card via "223 Smart Card Application Program". Your photo in IT systems will be automatically updated when your smart card application is approved.

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